Kais Saied meets Prime Minister

During his meeting devoted to the Judicial Facility, Monday, at Carthage Palace, with Prime Minister Najla Bouden, President of the Republic Kais Saied stressed the need to impose the enforcement of the law on all people, regardless of their position in the country.

On this occasion, Kais Saied stressed that "no transgression, neither of the law nor of the people's will, can be accepted," adding that he came "to serve the Tunisian state, the poor and the needy" and that he is committed to the Tunisian people to achieve their hopes and will and that he is committed to this in the past, present and future, according to a video posted by the Presidency of the Republic on its Facebook page.

The president added that "many believe that they are above responsibility and that they can play with the state apparatus," noting in this context that "they will have no place in the state apparatus if they act against the will of the Tunisian people.

During this meeting with the Prime Minister, he said: "We want to make our way together, without external interference, our sovereignty is not an easy word and Tunisia is neither for rent nor for sale", adding: "We want to make a new way, far from the mines and explosives laid because civil peace in Tunisia cannot be valued by price.

The President of the Republic also called on all actors in the state apparatus to "respect the law, especially the duty of reserve, as civil servants, whatever their degree of responsibility", calling on some (without naming them) to " cease dancing on the ropes, inside the administration and in many structures".

He stressed that "the excesses of some will never be accepted and that those who work to confront this path must assume the consequences", recalling that he "invokes the law and works to meet the demands of the Tunisian people and their will".

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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